Improve your business by simply implementing newest all in one technological solutions and achieve much better results with same resources! Don't let the opportunity to slip from your hands, contact us now and start being an efficient Business owner!
Contact us noWMany young players are entering the game and all big players are in danger if they don't start INOVATING!
Our all in one solution can help Electricians with:
Simply input project details and instantly get an exact estimate with offer document ready to be proposed! All hourly rates and material costs are automatically calculated so manual work is almost fully removed so you will save thousands on salaries and have much more efficient employees! Also track the progress of current bids or follow up and communicate with clients directly from the platform!
Forget excel sheets and track progress of all current projects on one platform, profits made on them, if invoices are paid or no, never forget about some old small project, track if contractors are efficient on each project or they just track the time, track if estimate was good or you actually lose on a project and much more.... Everything in one platform
Keep records of all materials that you have in stock, each one with it's own price
Have one revenue dashboard for all active projects and automatically count and analyze the performance of each project individually or all at once, for chosen period of time, also you can get automated daily/weekly/monthly/yearly reports for whatever you want as everything is tracked in one system
Automatically calculate costs for everything from salaries, material costs, contractor payments, office rent etc.... You don't need to waste time calculating weekly payments for every project for each contractor, YOU JUST GET IT AUTOMATICALLY CALCULATED WHENEVER YOU WANT!!!
Set monthly/yearly goals and track progress if your revenue is as planned or you need to push more, track what projects needs more negotiation and never miss a potential sale, analyze if current projects are profitable as planned, also if some project left unfinished
Invoice management is the option that centralizes the process fully and allows you to automatically create, send and keep track of invoices and follow up with clients if payments didn't arrived or whatever happened
All salaries/contractor payments are automatically calculated for all projects for chosen period of time so manual calculation is fully removed which saves a huge amount of hours on a yearly basis and enables you to hire more and grow the company easier
Automatically calculate costs for everything from salaries, material costs, contractor payments, office rent etc.... You don't need to waste time calculating weekly payments for every project for each contractor, YOU JUST GET IT AUTOMATICALLY CALCULATED WHENEVER YOU WANT!!!
Each Employee or a Partner can track time separated for each project and upload photos or videos of the progress or completion of the project and also you can analyze costs of everyone in each project and track the efficiency of each individual on daily/weekly/monthly/yearly basis
If you are interested in developing your business just schedule a FREE introduction call and let us explain you how we can improve your Electrician business!
Our main clients are Electricians who want to run their business easier, save time, grow more, spend less on expenses or just want to handle the business easier.
We will provide a custom easy to understand video instructions on how to use every part of the platform which is custom designed for every client. If after videos something is not clear we will also provide live support
We have a team of experienced developers and as we did 1000+ projects We already know how the stuff works so depending on the project the time range can be between 5 and 45 days for average projects, for something very advances we will need to make custom timeframes
Yes, everything that we mentioned above is fully organized and based on one platform, one of out previous Clients wanted to quit the business but after our organized solution He removed a lot of stress from himself and started enjoying being a entrepreneur again because he didn't need to waste days searching through excel files for some basic information.
When calculating all the Softwares that you can cancel after starting with our solution & all the hours that employees will save on a yearly, based on our experience until now it was saving from $19000 up to $65000 depending on how big the company is, and also what can't be counted with numbers which is maybe even more important it is how much easier and faster everything is to manage for both employees and the owner himself.
Yes it automatically calculates the taxes by the rates that you set.